Nick Lim
Nick is a dual trained Emergency and Intensive Care physician and has been organising and teaching PoCUS both nationally and internationally for years. He is a Professor with the Ultrasound Leadership Academy
Catherine Nix
Catherine is an Consultant in ICM in Limerick and is chair of the JFICMI Ultrasound Committee. She trained in both Ireland and in Canada and has been organising and teaching PoCUS for several years.
Peter Moran
Peter is a consultant in intensive care medicine and anaesthesia in Galway University Hospital. Post CCT he completed an 18 month Adult Critical Care Echocardiography fellowship in the John Radcliffe hospital, Oxford. He is the first Irish intensivist to achieve BSE Level 2 ACCE accreditation, and is a current BSE ACCE committee member.
Cian McDermott
Cian is an Emergency Physician based in the Mater in Dublin and has been teaching echo and PoCUS internationally for years. He is a current candidate for EACVI accreditation in TTE
Ciara Hanley
Ciara is a Consultant Anaesthesiologist-Intensivist at UCHG and has completed fellowships in cardiothoracic anaesthesia & TOE in the Mater, Dublin. Further subspeciality training in cardiothoracic anaesthesia at Toronto General & Trauma Anaesthesia in Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto. Ciara is NBE-accredited in Advanced Perioperative Transoesophageal Echocardiography and is actively involved in perioperative TOE and TTE education.
Rachel Gilmore
Rachel Gilmore is an Emergency Physician in Dublin. She trained in Ireland and the Mayo Clinic in the USA. She has been involved in PoCUS education both nationally and internationally for several years
Andy Neill
Andy is a dual trained EM and ICM clinician based in Dublin. He is awaiting his full accreditation from the EACVI in TTE.
Paul Nolan
Paul is Chief Cardiac Physiologist in University Hospital Galway, leading the non-Invasive Cardiac Diagnostics Service there. He is an experienced teacher and presented, both in TU Dublin and also at national and international meetings and conferences. He has internationally recognised accreditation from the European Association of Echocardiography, the European Heart Rhythm Association and Heart Rhythm Society in the US. He graduated with an MSc in Leadership from the RCSI Institute of Leadership in 2015.
Kevin Clarkson
Kevin is a consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive care in Galway. He was recognised by NUIG as an Honorary Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine in 2019. He has held leadership positions within the University Hospital Galway and has been Saolta Group Perioperative Director since 2016.
John Bates
John is a Consultant Intensivist/Anaesthetist at University Hospital Galway and has trained in Ireland and Australia. He was Director of ICU at UHG from 2003 to 2007 and is currently Dean of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland, Clinical lead for critical care medicine for the Saolta Hospital Group and personal professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care medicine at NUIG.