Nicolas Lim
Nicolas is a dual trained Emergency and Intensive Care consultant and has been organising and teaching PoCUS both nationally and internationally for years. He is a Professor with the Ultrasound Leadership Academy
Segun Olusanya
Segun is an intensive care registrar working in University College Hospital, London. He is terrible at auscultation and clinical examination, so compensated for this with BSE ACCE and FUSIC accreditation. He has taught ultrasound remotely and face to face all over the world.
Barry Kelly
Barry Kelly is an anaesthesiologist and intensivist at Cork University Hospital. He completed fellowships in cardiovascular anaesthesia at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, and in critical care at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. He was a faculty member of the department of anaesthesiology at BIDMC (2017 -2019) and a member of the cardiac anaesthesia and critical care divisions. He has board certification from the National Board of Echocardiography in advance echocardiography (ASCE) and perioperative echocardiography (PTE).
Andy Neill
Andy is a dual trained EM and ICM consultant based in Dublin. He is awaiting his full accreditation from the EACVI in TTE.
Catherine Nix
Dr Catherine Nix is a Consultant Anaesthetist Intensivist at the University of Limerick Hospitals Group (ULHG) since August 2014. She is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at UL GEMS. She co-founded the University of Toronto Undergraduate Ultrasound Program with Dr Jonathon Ailon 2012 – 2015 and since 2015 has been teaching undergraduate ultrasound at UL GEMS. Dr Nix is the current POCUS lead of Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Ireland (JFICMI)
Herlo Coetzer
Herlo is a consultant in EM in Kerry.
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy is an advanced EM trainee who has taught on prior EGLS courses. He has worked overseas with MSF and has an interest in wilderness medicine.
Abdul Safras (Saf)
Safras is an advanced EM trainee with special interest in Resuscitation medicine.